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Gonadorelin 2mg Pre Mixed


Research has suggested is Gonadorelin pre mixed peptide used in fertility medicine to treat some hormonal disorders such as infertility and hypogonadism.

Pre Mixed Cartridge and Kit:

  • 1 x Cartridge (The cartridge is premixed with the peptide vial of your choice and Bacteriostatic Water)
  • 1 x Peptide Cartridge Pen
  • 1 x Pen Carry Case
  • 3 x Pen Needle Tips

Single Mixed Cartridges (1,2 & 3) Come with:

  • 1,2 or 3 x Cartridge (The cartridge is premixed with the peptide vial of your choice and Bacteriostatic Water)
  • 3 x Pen Needle Tips

Save 10% when buying 3 cartridges.

Buy 10 and get 10% Discount

488 in stock


Buy Gonadorelin Pre Mixed Peptide 2mg America

This product is intended for research purposes only. To be used by trained professionals only.

Gonadorelin is a natural hormone that is released by the hypothalamus in the brain [1]. Also referred to as Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone (GnRH) and HRF, Factrel, Relefact, Lutrepulse, Lutrelef, Kryptocur among other brand names.

It has been used in research for fertility medicine to treat some hormonal disorders such as infertility and hypogonadism [2]. Gonadorelin pre mixed peptide is a diagnostic agent used to diagnose the functionality of both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland [1,2,3].

Gonadorelin is produced by the hypothalamus and regulates the release of the two sex hormones LH and FSH [1,2,3,4]. Gonadorelin is used to check if the pituitary gland is producing the correct levels of Luteinising Hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating Hormone.

It diagnoses several hormonal disorders such as delayed puberty and infertility. LH stimulates the ovaries in women hence causing ovulation, while in men, it is responsible for the production of testosterone by stimulating the testicles. FSH plays an important role in sperm production as it stimulates the testicles. In women, FSH stimulates the release of estrogen and egg-development in the ovaries [1,2,3,4]. Gonadorelin pre mixed peptide functions by stimulating the pituitary gland to release these two sex hormones.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC340045/

[2] https://www.sciencedirect.com/ topics/medicine-and-dentistry/gonadorelin

[3] https://www.mayoclinic.org/ drugs-supplements/gonadorelin

[4] https://www.medicines.org.uk/ emc/product/4853/smpc

Sequence: Pyr-Hls-Trp-Ser-Tyr Gly Leu Arg Pro Gly

Molecular Formula: C55 H75 N17 O13

Molecular Weight: 1182.311 g/mol

Storage: Lyophilized peptides to be stored below -18°C

Research use only. Not for human or animal consumption!

Gonadorelin HPLC 2023 Certificates_DIRECT PEPTIDES










DISCLAIMER: These products are intended solely as a research chemical only. This classification allows for their use only for research development and laboratory studies. The information available on our America Direct Peptides website: https://america.direct-peptides.com is provided for educational purposes only. These products are not for human or animal use or consumption in any manner. Handling of these products should be limited to suitably qualified professionals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such.

BUY Gonadorelin Pre Mixed Peptide ONLINE today From America Direct Peptides

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